Posts PEscope Tool

PEscope Tool

This is an official walkthrough with PEscope tool made by me to make basic static analysis more easier, in one place instead of grabbing it to many tools, and surely with cool colors! The tool is still beta though as i wrote it in less than 2 days!

If you haven’t download the tool yet, you can find it here: PEscope

How it works

The tool can analyze PE files (EXE/DLL) by inspecting the file’s PE structure in order to retrieve its information and also the tool provides some hashing and searching for interesting strings such as URLs, emails, IP addresses, etc…
or you can even provide your own regex to search the file’s strings!

Full analysis

When providing a PE file to the tool with no arguments it performs full analysis meaning that it will perform all the functionalities the tool can perform as follows:

> pescope foo.exe
PEscope full analysis

No colors

If you prefer not to see colors or your OS doesn’t support that you can use the -c flag to disable colors

> pescope -c foo.exe

NOTE: When using this option with other arguments it will also make them colorless!

PEscope full analysis with no colors

File information

The -i flag will get basic information about the file such as:

  • File type (EXE/DLL)
  • File size (in KB if small)
  • 32 or 64-bit
  • Number of sections

and so on:

> pescope -i foo.exe
general information about the file

API libraries

The tool gets the imports of the file and this done explicitly by printing the libraries’ names and the functions used within:

> pescope -I foo.exe
all the file's imports

or implicitly by printing only the libraries’ names:

> pescope -l foo.exe
the libraries used


It’s basically hashes the file using (md5, sha1, sha256) algorithms so if it’s confirmed as suspicious it can then be beneficial in IoCs (Indicators of Compromise)

hashing the file


As expected it prints information about the file’s sections in a cool table:

> pescope -s foo.exe
The file's sections

Interesting strings

Because analyzing sample’s strings can be like searching for a needle in a haystack this option can save lots of precious analysis time by only looking for URLs, Emails, IP addresses, Errors, Warnings and suspicious words:

> pescope -S bar.exe
Interesting strings from the file

Match RegEx

Obviously, Interesting strings option can sometimes be not what the analyst’s looking for so here comes the match option to give the analyst more control on the analysis process!

> pescope -m [a-zA-Z]{10,}[\d]$ foo.exe
Matching a regex

Make your scope!

Now definitely you don’t need to run the command for each feature because the main purpose of this tool is to save time! so you can make your mix all in one command!

> pescope -H -i -s -l foo.exe
Make your scope!


This was PEscope tool explanation!
I hope that helped you out and if you want to contribute with a feature that will be awesome!
Happy analysis time!

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.